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Oak Bluffs Rendezvous

June 21, 2019 - June 23, 2019

Oak Bluffs Rendezvous
Friday – Sunday, 21-23 June
Oak Bluffs Harbor Festival
Saturday, 22 June, 1000-1800–FREE
Oak Bluffs Harbor
Martha’s Vineyard
Lt/C Susan Schwager, AP
A weekend of touring, restaurants, live music, and arts and crafts

Come by boat. Reserve a slip ($4.25/ft. There is a 30-ft minimum of $127.50/night).
Call ASAP for slip reservations. Be sure to say that you are withthe Cape Cod Sail and Power Squadron group. They will try to put us in slips close together.
Harbormaster Todd Alexander: (508) 693-4355
For more information: www.oakbluffsmarina.com

Or pick up a mooring ($45/night). Pick a partner and raft up. Hail the launch service on VHF radio Ch. 77.

Entering the harbor, hail the harbormaster on Ch 71 for instructions.

 Or take the ferry from the Port Authority terminal in Woods Hole.
For the ferry schedule and reservations go to https://www.steamshipauthority.com/,
Friday, keep watch for club members arriving and assist with dock lines. Fly the club burgee. Get together at one of the open air bars. Then grab a jacket and follow Dave Atwood to catch a bus to Vineyard Haven where he will lead us to Grace Church for a loaded lobster roll dinner.
Back in Oak Bluffs, detour up CIrcuit Avenue for ice cream at Mad Martha’s or the Carousel.

Saturday is free time to tour the island, take in the Oak Bluffs Harbor Festival, walk to a beach, and visit.
Arts and crafts and food stalls will be arrayed before us on the dock.

The Docktail Party is at 1700. Bring something to share and BYOB.
No open containers are permitted in public. Be discreet.
Dinner follows at Ocean View Restaurant at 1800. It’s a short walk along the dock and up a hill to 16 Chapman Ave.

Sunday morning, pick up donuts at the Back Door Donut Shop on Kennebec Ave. between Kennebec
and Circuit avenues. Have breakfast in town before casting off for homeport.

Contact Susan to let her know you are coming.  (Also notify her if you must cancel.) Include: (1) by boat (boat name/power or sail); or by ferry; (2) day of arrival; (3) a cellphone number;
and (4) number in your party for dinner reservations Saturday evening.
Susan must give the restaurant a headcount.

 Phone 908-309-7983
Email  Susan


June 21, 2019
June 23, 2019
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Susan Schwager