Previously known as the United States Power Squadron, America’s Boating Club (ABC) is a nationwide recreational boating club. Our Squadron, Cape Cod, includes men and women, sailors and power boaters, as well as kayakers.
More than 150 active members regularly meet for educational classes, seminars and social gatherings with guest speakers. We all enjoy our time on the water, and would love to introduce anyone, experienced or not, to our club.
Founded in 1941, the squadron has been a part of the Cape’s nautical tradition for over seven decades.
The squadron is a unit of a large national organization – the Americas Boating Club (previously the United States Power Squadrons®) – with about 25,000 members organized into 350 squadrons throughout the United States.
What do we do?
There is a special camaraderie among people who love to “mess around in boats”. We get together throughout the year to share our interest in (and knowledge of) boating.
Monthly Dinners: Monthly dinners are held at various restaurants on the Cape. Dinner programs have a nautical/marine theme except for our Holiday Party in December. Every summer we have a traditional Summer Cookout prepared by our members.
On-the-Water Activities: Rendezvous take place each year in places such as Oak Bluffs, Nantucket, and Egg Island – Hyannis. Members and guests come to the Egg Island rendezvous in canoes and kayaks as well as sail and power boats. There is also a fourth rendezvous organized just for paddlers.
Educational Courses: We conduct boating courses and seminars for the public and more advanced courses for our members. Members teach all our courses. Click here for more information.
Boat Operator Certification: With the Boat Operator’s Certification Program, USPS will certify USPS members at various levels of recreational boating proficiency. We expect that these certifications will be recognized across the boating community, both domestically and internationally.
Vessel Safety Checks: During the boating season as a public service our members conduct courtesy Vessel Safety Checks.
Why become a member?
Join one of our educational classes, and gain confidence in your ability to handle your boat in a range of conditions
Meet other boaters and learn from their experience, formally in classes and informally at events both on and off the water
Discounted rates on all our services
Learn to conduct vessel safety checks, and develop the knowledge to spend time on the water safely.
Learn Engine Maintenance, Navigation, Marine Electronics, how to use a GPS and even Celestial Navigation.
The members elect a group of volunteer officers who serve on a number of committees which run our organization. If you would like to volunteer and help in any way, please get in touch
Click here for more information about our officers